Fans of Arklow's Red Seven / Columbia Showband will be pleased to know that one of the band's founding members, Joe Weadick, has written a book entitled Memoirs of the Red Seven / Columbia Showband.
The book, which took ten years to write, gives a history of the band and includes a chapter by each surviving member, each telling their own personal experiences, including many interesting stories. Chapters have been written by the author in memory of two band members who have passed away.
The book, which took ten years to write, gives a history of the band and includes a chapter by each surviving member, each telling their own personal experiences, including many interesting stories. Chapters have been written by the author in memory of two band members who have passed away.
The book is priced €15.00 and is available in most Arklow newsagents and at Easons in the Bridgewater Shopping Centre, Arklow. It is available in Byrnes Book Shop in Gorey, Co. Wicklow and in Chapter One Book Shop, also in Gorey. It is also available in Track One Music Store in Wicklow Town and in Everest Music Store in Bray.
However, if either of these book stores are a little bit out of your reach, you can still purchase a copy of this great book by sending a cheque or postal order for €15.00 to the author: Joe Weadick, 44 Fernhill, Arklow, Co. Wicklow.
This book not only tells the story of Arklow's Red Seven / Columbia Showband, it also provides the reader with a great insight into the Showband Era in general. It really is a great read and is a must for all Showband lovers.